Here’s the list, at the moment:
- Lots of sleep. The more the better. I have never had a period of my life where I thought I was sleeping too much.
- Being absolutely alone for hours at a time, and occasionally days. I have a massively long list of things to do, and being able to completely concentrate, with no chance of distraction, is just so amazingly lovely
- Interacting for shorter periods of time with a large number of people, outside the above times
- Exercise
- Reading
- Travel
- The countryside. Though this relates a little to being completely undisturbed, I suspect
- Tech systems that work. Working in IT we deal with plenty of things and processes that don’t work well, but a great number that do. Project management, version control, RHEL / CentOS / linux in general, VOIP (remember those massive PABXs?)
- Automating things that I used to do by hand
- Flying RC planes. Yep it’s pretty dorky, but so much fun.
- Cooking