A vaguely productive day. Decided that I’m going to look for a new space urgently.

So to put aside cryptic two line posts, the situation is this. I’m excited but trepid. Much to do, working for yourself can be intimidating. Getting to the end of the day without a feeling of ‘where have 10 hours gone, I’ve done so little’ is pretty much one of the main goals.

I have big plans. Plans need luck as well as everything else, but hey, I’m not about to start raving on about The Secret. I want to get fitter, I’ve managed to become a bit fat. I oscillate between the idea of eating less and that of eating the same and moving more. I hate the idea that both are necessary. I really love food.

But I’ve managed at least to start getting used to a bit of exercise, I feel maybe for the first time in my life that I kind of enjoy it. Previously I would tolerate it only when it was incidental – the sweat worked up by during a fast paced games of tables tennis, normal tennis with someone crap, running for the tram kind of thing. Now on a weekend my legs seem to (very slightly) crave the resistance of the pedals as I ride to work.

The other plans revolve around making vast amounts of money and spending it on amazing things. Controlling more of the flow of cash in the world and directing it somewhere good.

And also, becoming happy. It’s been a little while since I was consistently, pleasantly happy, or even enthused. There’s always a host of circumstances, and usually one or two actual reasons, or perhaps feelings, that then tend to dominate. The circumstances are pretty clear, maybe I’ll go into this in another post. The hope, though, of them and their knock-on effects changing is definitely there. That and a not inconsiderable amount of confusion.